What is African Spoon?

What is African Spoon?

African Spoon is a food tourism startup, a practice where travelers choose their destination based on local food and drinks. This includes exploring restaurants, markets, regional foods, cooking classes, wine tastings, and other experiences related to local cuisine. The main goal is to taste, learn and appreciate the culinary diversity of a region while discovering its unique cultural and culinary traditions.

What we offer: Afro cuisine

African dishes awaken the senses and tell deep-rooted stories. Each dish is a celebration of culture and tradition, reflecting the passion for authentic flavors.

The passion for these foods is manifested in every blend of spices, in every cooking technique passed down from generation to generation with which local ingredients are transformed into exquisite dishes. It is a true symphony of tastes and emotions.

What we offer: Afro cuisine

The origin of the site

The origin of the site

My love and passion for cooking inspired me to create this site, a space where I can share my discoveries, experiment with new ideas and bring together cooking enthusiasts.

The idea for this site was born from my incessant quest to create exquisite dishes, to create a place of exchange, to motivate other food lovers to explore, experiment and savor every moment behind the stove.